Seminary Online Courses- There are many Bible Colleges and Seminaries that are now offering free online courses. Here are a few I (Pastor Regan) recommend:
Variety of Seminary Professors: https://www.biblicaltraining.org/
Denver Seminary: https://denverseminary.edu/resources/free-online-courses/
Dallas Seminary: https://courses.dts.edu/collections
Recommended Reading: Bible schools and seminaries will also often make their class syllabuses available online. Find a class (or topic) you’d be interested in, then look through the syllabus to see what the leading scholars are having their students read! Moody Bible Institute is one place to start.
Leadership Podcasts: Andy Stanley Leadership Podcast, Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast, The Emotionally Healthy Leader Podcast, Carey Nieuwhof Leadership Podcast.
Evangelism Training: I (Pastor Regan) put together a series called Rethinking Evangelism. You can find it on our YouTube channel or on our Right Now Media channel.
Apologetics Training: Here are some of the leading thinkers in this field:
Norm Geisler: normangeisler.com, William Lane Craig: ReasonableFaith.org, J. Warner Wallace: ColdCaseChristianity.com, John Lennox: JohnLennox.org, Greg Koukl: STR.org, Lee Strobel: LeeStrobel.com, Josh McDowell: Josh.org, C.S. Lewis: CSLewis.org, Gary Habermas: GaryHabermas.com, Tim Keller: TimothyKeller.com
Forum of Christian Leaders: FOCL Online (Forum of Christian Leaders) offers free resources to evangelical leaders, featuring some of today’s top Christian thinkers from the annual European Leadership Forum. https://www.youtube.com/@FOCLOnline