Exploring Life with God
Whatever your faith background, here are some of our favorite tools and resources!
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Exploring Life with God
At Family in Christ, we want to help equip you with resources for this journey. We’ve come up with “slopes,” much like the ski slopes here in our beautiful Colorado mountains. These slopes are for everyone, no matter where you are on this journey, so that it’s not overwhelming to find what you need and where to start.
Just like at Vail and all the other mountains, we have color coded slopes! Green: Exploring Christianity, Blue: Lifelong Growth, Black: Stepping into Leadership. As you step forward in exploring life with God, take some time to work through the links below!
Exploring Christianity
FIC’s green slopes of Faith Formation are a starting point for new learners and new Christians, but also something to come back to often from the blue and black slopes.
Lifelong Growth
FIC’s blue slopes of Faith Formation are more more challenging for those with a bit more experience.
Stepping into Leadership
FIC’s black slopes of Faith Formation are resources for those wanting to dig even deeper and for those seeking a higher level of advanced study.