Women’s Ministry
Our Women’s Ministry is committed to fostering intergenerational relationships through intentional discipleship, and staying grounded in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
We love connecting women with other women to encourage, grow, share our stories, and play. We do this by offering a variety of opportunities, including: Women’s Bible studies, social events, retreats, and outreach projects in the community!
Look below for more info on all the fun we have together!
Women’s Mentoring
Mentoring: We Need Each Other!
Women's Ministry facilitates this monthly opportunity to grow closer with each other!
The book "Growing Together" by Melissa B. Kruger, will be our guide to walking this mentoring journey together. From the book: "Spiritual mentoring offers a way for younger believers and more mature Christians to grow together through intentional discipleship and accountability.”
Bible Studies and Events
Women’s Ministry offers various Bible study, mentoring, and community building opportunities for you to grow in your relationship with other women and with God!
Check back at this link throughout the year to see what events are coming up next for Women’s Ministry!
Online Discussion Group
We love connecting with other faith-filled women to encourage one another, share our stories, build community, and grow deeper in our faith. Join our Women’s Ministry Community Group so we can build friendships outside of the walls of the church through a variety of opportunities, including: social events, coffee dates, hiking outings, outreach projects, and simply staying connected through our day to day lives.
(Short for Mom Community and previously MOPS)
Looking for a community of mothers with young or school aged children? A place to experience authentic community, mothering support, personal growth and spiritual hope, all to help you be the best mom possible? Come join MomCo!
1st & 3rd Thursdays of the Month from 9:00 – 11:30am
September -May
Contact Char
Char Campbell
Women’s Ministry Director
303-466-7770 ext. 205