Collection Bin schedule and list of ministries

We collect supplies for local groups at Family in Christ, and each week the Collection Bins are available at the east and west entrances.

This is an opportunity to help with ongoing ministries.

The current schedule is below the group descriptions.

THANK YOU for your generosity!

Listed below are some supplies they currently need:

  • The Refuge

    The Refuge is a Broomfield ministry that serves those struggling economically, including single moms and people experiencing homelessness. Bring tissues, toiletries, baby supplies (diapers, wipes, food, formula), soap, shampoo, feminine hygiene products, laundry detergent, dish soap, and men's boxers.

  • Growing Home

    Growing home serves families experiencing homelessness or those at risk of homelessness.

    They need: canned fruit, bars of soap, deodorant, toothpaste & shampoo

  • Breaking Free

    Breaking Free addresses the needs of those living on the streets.

    Bring new socks for men, individually packaged snacks, winter gloves & hats, disposable water bottles, deodorant, and bungee chords.

2024 Collection Bin Schedule

Sept 1st & 8th

Operation Christmas Child

Sept 15th & 22nd

Breaking Free

Sept 29th & Oct 6th

The Refuge

Oct 13th & 20th

Growing Home

Oct 27th & Nov 3rd

Operation Christmas Child

Nov 10th & 17th

Breaking Free

Nov 24th & Dec 1st

The Refuge

Dec 8th & 15th

Growing Home

Dec 22nd & 29th

Breaking Free

2025 Collection Bin Schedule

January 5th & 12th

The Refuge

January 19th & 26th

Growing Home

February 2nd & 9th

Breaking Free

February 16th & 23rd

The Refuge

March 2nd & 9th

Growing Home

March 16th & 23rd

Breaking Free