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Ash Wednesday Prayer and Service

Ash Wednesday

There will be a time of prayer before the service at 6 pm, and then the Ash Wednesday service with imposition of ashes will begin at 6:30 pm

Join us for this service on the first day of Lent, where we reflect together on the importance of repentance and the foreshadowing of hope.

Ash Wednesday Childcare Available!

On Ash Wednesday, there will be childcare starting at 6 pm for birth to 5th grade.  

We will have nursery care from birth to 3 years old. 

Kids that are 3 years old to 5th grade will participate in a Children’s Ash Wednesday service at 6 pm!

There will be no Summit Night dinner in March due to the special Ash Wednesday service.

March 1

Game Night and Potluck: Time Well Spent

March 11

Men's Night Out - Cornhole Tournament