Day Six, July 31st

Originally published on Facebook August 1st, 1:05 am

Day 6, July 31st

Today has been another fantastic day. With VBS in the morning and work crews in the afternoon, our rhythm has been consistent for the past three days.

After breakfast, we got to watch a video detailing the relationship The Fundaćion has with Samaritans Purse and Operation Christmas Child. Formerly, the foundation was responsible for the distribution of approximately 200,000 boxes. The video linked in the comments tells the story better than I can. What made such an impact on our team was the fact that we, in the US, who put a box together, have been partnering with the Foundation in meaningful ways long before we ever met them. A boy from the Fundaćion named Andy (fake name) talked about how those boxes led him to Christ. Seeing the full-circle perspective of the OCC ministry was very exciting.

After dinner we hosted a graduation ceremony for 12 students who have completed various grade levels and vocational skill courses. Many of the children who come to the Foundation have little to no education. It is difficult to motivate them to persevere in their studies because they are behind, and/or their orphan status makes them the target of much bullying. Mela was eager to create a monumental celebration of their successes as a way to encourage and motivate the kids. The valedictorian of their class (straight A’s!) gave a fine address about the value of perseverance in your studies, while Caleb S. spoke of the future opportunities commitment now can create. He related this well to his own academic pursuits. Zach also spoke to his reformed value for education, given how fortunate he is to have access. Andie (sorry, I’ve not been including that “e” at the end until now) spoke as an international educator exploring the students to pursue excellence and the joy of learning. The evening was capped off with a throwing of their caps!

After this many of Mela’s family members (Sister-in-law, daughter, son, grandchildren, etc) came to the foundation to share the collective story of the foundation's formation, perseverance, and blessing. A major theme throughout was the continued tribute to Hilario Moralez (1968-2021). His love for his family and the children of Guadalajara. Hilario was one of my dearest friends and to remember him well tonight was an honor. He was both a giant visionary and a humble servant. A man of great wisdom and great laughter. I miss him so much as I walk through his house here with his family.

The remainder of this update is provided by each team member. They were given 6 questions to consider and asked to answer three of them. In addition, there is a highlight video of the day put together by the wonderful RyLin!

Prayer Requests:

Pray for the capacity to finish strong. Currently the team is healthy and so we feel the impact of your prayers!

Tomorrow is VBS in the morning and a visit to an all women’s prison where we will participate in a church service along side the women their. Tomorrow is a highly anticipated day for our team and so we value your prayers (we lead at 2 and return after dinner)

Pray we are able to complete the work projects we began with our limited work designated time remaining.

Mike (on behalf of the team)




Someone who has a significant influence on my trip so far is Mela. For those of you who don’t know I am feeling a strong calling to become a missionary and I shared that as part of my testimony one night in front of the kids and how God has stayed faithful to me and showed me my path. After I finished showering a bunch of the kids came up to the front and started praying for me, Mela was one of those people. She came up to me afterwards and with the help of a translator was able to just tell me that being a missionary is hard but God is greater and if he is calling you into this purpose you need to listen. She also told me that the devil is going to try and take that away from me and I need to stand firm in my faith and stay faithful to the one who is never going to fail. I see her as an inspiration, her and Hilario created the Emmanuel Foundation from nothing and both of them are not even from Guadalajara but because of God’s calling on their life they listened to him and look where this place is now! Thousands of kids have come through the foundation and day after day hear the truth of the Gospel and how there is a loving God who cares for them and wants the best for them.

I think that a word of encouragement that I have for my friends and family back at home is to just continue to thank God each and every day for all the things that he has blessed us with. He has provided us with so much and he continues to bless us. He has a plan a purpose for you and all you have to do is just trust that he will come through at the right time. His timing is better than ours and it is far better when he is in control then when we are.


God is so good, one of our days started with a text from my son sharing pictures of an accident that he had been in. No words followed that text. God had laid on my heart to come to him in prayer during challenging times before reaching out to others. Immediately I asked for prayer. Within minutes of teaching a powerful VBS lesson, my son responded that he is fine. God completely answered the prayers, not only about my son, but mostly about VBS time. Because I heard back, my mind was clear and present with the children that God placed in front of me. One young lady accepted Christ and three others admitted that they are struggling with the hurt in their lives and we were able to pray for them. Throughout the day, God continued to fight our battles and win! I was reminded to fully in trust in God in all things.

Throughout the time here, several people have made an impact in my life through their testimonies. Two boys specifically, one has crawled into my heart with tender love and is reminding me to live my life with child like faith, fearing nothing even through what seems like the most impossible times. The other saw me praying quietly during worship. He wrapped his arms around me and prayed over me as I prayed for him and the rest of the children. I was reminded to wrap my arms around others and simply pray for them. I don’t have to have the answers because God does. These are the ways I want to live my life moving forward.

For all my friends, family, and loved ones, I want to encourage you to love with the love of Christ in all things. Look at people the way Jesus does. Through his strength we can overcome every hurt, anger, frustration, and negative things that anyone has every wronged us in. It is only with Christ that we may overcome death and we need to demonstrate that love to all.


I would like to encourage the people at home to be thankful for all of the blessings you have growing up in America. There are so many things that come as a guarantee as an American that are a luxury to some.

I miss my family at home. I realize that my family is so valuable and that I’ve taken them for granted often, because I see so much brokenness from the lack of loving parents. I hope to enjoy time with my family when I get back.

So far its been a blessing being with the children at the foundation. Getting to know them has been a joy and being able to share my faith and share stories will be something I’ll never forget.


The trip has taught me a lot about who Christ is across the world. Not only has he been moving in the lives of everybody on the team but also in the hearts of the girls at the orphanage. It has been very powerful worshiping with everyone both In english and Spanish. It has put into perspective the power of worship and that God can work even if you don’t know the words or what you are singing. It has also been very impactful to listen to many of the girls testimonies and hearing how thorough a story that could easily make people walk away from God has resulted in gils forgiving and coming to hIm. Just very eye opening to see christ from a completely new perspective.

It has been very impactful watching the kids live every day. Come playing and talking to cleaning and cooking there is continual joy and a sense of family. Some girls have even offered to help serve with us which is just above and beyond. There are days that I am tired but am reminded of the girls and challenge myself to live the same way. Waking up and sharing your life with other people as you continue to serve the lord.

One of my favorite memories so far has been showering and hanging out with others in the rain. It was one of the best showers I have had hear and it was really fun to make those memories with some members of the team.


Nearly all the girls have impacted my views on how I live my life and encourage me to be much more grateful for the things I have like not growing up in a broken home. I will remember hearing the boys and girls of the foundations testimonies and seeing that even though we are so far apart we serve the same God. I miss my parents because they are my parents.

Caleb D.

So far all of the girls have showed me a new way to look at life with that being how laughter and joy can overcome pain. A great example of this is a game that the girls love where we all stand in a circle with a volleyball with one person the middle and then we pass the ball around and whenever you can try to spike it at the person in the middle. The girls show absolutely no mercy to anyone and spike it as hard as they can and mainly aim for the face, but every time one of the girls gets hit incredibly hard straight in the face they just start laughing and get right back to the game without a second glance and this has inspired me to see the joy in life more and not focus on the bads.

I miss my parents and my dog because they help bring joy and peace to my life. I also miss them because they are such a common way for me to get away from stress. I also miss my brother because he helps with any hard questions I have and he gives answers to all questions whether it is God or football or any other topic I need help with.

An experience that I have had so far that has changed the way I see God is hearing some of the testimonies from the girls. One such testimony told us how her family was broken from the beginning with her mother abandoning the entire family. The girls father then grew sick and had a foot injury so he could not help so the girl had to take a motherly role and take care of everyone. Even with all of this she learned from the lord to forgive her mother. This has showed me that God can inspire many to forgive those who have many large mistakes and shows how I can forgive others as well.

Caleb S.

There is a girl here named Lucero she is nine years old. She is so crazy loves to goof around and cause trouble she often finds herself getting a talking to from one of the leaders. I have such a good time getting to know and showering her in the love that she sadly has not received. She struggles a lot with her faith but I have gotten to talk to her about the love of christ and she has been struggling to understand how some one can love her so much after she has experienced so little. Do not worry Ellie Mom told me you saw picture of us and were feeling a little jealous, you will always place at the top my heart

I miss my lovely sister Ellie, she has been such a big part of my life and brings such joy to me. I wish she was here at the foundation I thing she would have so much fun at the foundation with the girls playing and laughing.

God has been so faithful to these girls they been through so much and have had so little but they have found rest in this place. They have have a home food and are taught the gospel every day. They may have past scares but in the fathers arms they have found rest in the father. The team has been so diligent is showing them the love of God that there souls have so sorely missed.


An experience I’ve had here in Mexico that has changed how I understand God is actually not one experience, but all the many tiny hard or difficult things that have happened that have really shown how all I need is him. Each experience showed me that even when things don’t go right or I’m disappointed or frustrated or hot or sooo tired, God really can sustain me through it all. He really is ALL I need. That has become so much more real this trip.

Mela has had a significant impact on me this trip because of her story. Mela and Hilario’s story is a beautiful example of step-by-step following God into your full purpose in life. Not forced. Not manufactured. They did the next thing they felt the Holy Spirit was calling them to do with a sacrificial heart, wanting to help children. And now we are seeing the BEAUTIFUL fruit of that labor at the Emmanuel Foundation and everything associated with it. It’s truly beautiful. It reminds me of the verses in Matthew 25:

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’”

Matthew 25:35-36 NIV

A word of encouragement or challenge for the people I love back home is actually also something from Mela. She reminded us that not everybody has the gift we have of being able to be with our families and loved ones. The beautiful, amazing girls here in the orphanage do not. She challenged us to not take those we love for granted, to hug and love on them when we get back home! My challenge is for everyone to do that with everyone they love. And I am excited to do that when I return! Miss you guys!


Throughout the first few days during this mission trip my experience of God has very much changed. Coming into to this mission trip I was not sure what to expect and I think seeing how much God has worked in these kids life completely showed me his mighty power. Miles away from Colorado and God is still making a difference in so many peoples life. Also, God has show himself through so many people, during my time here I have seen so much joy with the kids. Mella a the one who runs the foundation is someone that God is worked through, hearing her story was so inspiring for and change my perspective. Mela and her family have had a big impact in my life. After hearing their stories. It brought a lot of wisdom and influence in your life and is something I want to take with me. Something funny was playing soccer in the rain. There were a lot of funny moments and things I will remember.


Sierra, I hope you’re doing well and having fun with Ruby. I love you so much and you should also know that I am having a great time. I have really enjoyed spending time with all the kids here and one of my favorite memories is playing an interesting version of volleyball where you stand in a circle and hit it back and forth to each other and then try to spike it at the people in the middle of the circle. I hope everything is going well at home and I will see you soon.


One of the things that have taught me more about God and increased my understanding of Him is just seeing the work that he is doing in a different country. It has opened my views of the Lord and His good work all around the globe. The He is not only working in my life and the lives of those around me but also in the entire world.

Meeting Mela has really changed my perspective on what it means to live a life fully dedicated to The Lord. It has been very amazing to see how just by following Christ so many lives have been changed, that in the twenty or so years she has been running the Emmanuel Foundation around 2,000 kids have come through the doors and all of them have heard the Gospel and have seen the love of Jesus. This encourages me to live my life not foe my self but be a vessel for the Lord and the work that he is going to do. I know that His plan is so much better than mine, so I need to trust in the Lord with everything that I have and walk by faith and not by sight. I have seen the powerful work of Christ and in that I have also seen more clearly the significance of just being a vessel.

A funny story that I will probably remember for a long time that has happened on this trip so far is kind of a dumb one but it was hilarious to me and it will probably live in my memory for a long time. So here’s the story I had asked how to say dog in Spanish and then my question was answered and they said perro, then right after that Micah had said perro more like perrwoof and it’s making me laugh about it just thinking about it right now. Kind of a dumb story but it was funny to me so I hope it made y’all laugh.

Through being here in Guadalajara it has been very challenging for me to hear all of the kids testimonies and thinking of someone that I know that has had similar or the same things that has happened to them. But in that it has also encouraged me to spread the love of God in all places. It reminds me of the verse that talks about no sin has overtaken you except for what is common to mankind. In that we are all people we all across the world live in a fallen world. There are things that are common throughout the globe even though the culture is different people are still people. The encouraging part is this, that no matter who you are talking to or sharing Jesus with people are people we all have things in common which means that through that it doesn’t matter who you talk to you can still build relationships and share the love of Jesus so don’t be afraid because we are all mankind and we all have a story to share. So spread the love of Jesus through that!


Hello family and friends I miss you all so much you are all so important to me and have been on my mind since we landed. I have loved getting to know the kids and being able to hear their stories that have truly changed my perspective on how I live. They show joy wherever they go even if they have live a life I could not even fathom. Some of these stories have brought me to tears and just breaking my heart but just seeing the joy through all this trauma and heartache has really showed me that I need to be more joyful and not to complain about the small things. I definitely value school a lot more and that I am able to have a free education because most of these kids don’t. God had really shown up when I was on the bus ride to the soccer game and during the soccer game. On the way there the only way that I can describe it is rio mixed with down town Denver and it is mostly houses made of sheet metal. Which showed me that god was with these people but once we got to the stadium my heart was filled with happiness after seeing all the kids faces while watching the game. A funny story that we have had was when we were playing soccer in a flash flood type thing and we were throwing each other in the water. And we took a shower. In the rain


I have known Mela for a long time, but to see her love on the kids and allow us to enter into that is powerful. I miss my sister Ellie, she is so special to me and being here with all of the little kids makes her absence known. For the third day straight now I have tried to find 2 stroke fuel oil at local shops apparently they are all getting it tomorrow.


Who has had a significant influence on you during your time and how have they changed the way you want to live life? — I have absolutely LOVED getting to know Mela, the owner of the Emmanuel Foundation. Her life is so abundantly full of inspiring stories of teaching, loving, and encouraging these kids. Additionally, her deep love for Christ also continues to show through all her life stories, and it is so inspiring to see how He has continually rescued her and her family, and redeemed their lives for good. I have noticed that she always starts speaking with “I want to thank God” which I feel is just a testament to how much she loves Christ, and I hope to continue to grow my faith to match this amount of devotion to God.

What’s a funny story from the trip so far that you’ll remember for a long time? — The last few days in the afternoon after VBS and our work projects, it has absolutely POURED rain and so a few of us have ran out with shampoo, conditioner and soap to take a rain shower. While my clothes that I “showered” in are then soaking wet, it is so refreshing to take a shower in the fresh Mexican rain.

Who do you miss from home and why do you value this relationship? — I miss my dad, brother, puppy, the rest of my family and friends from FIC. I love living life with all of them and I am so thankful that they are in my life. Their love for Christ is such a blessing and I am so excited to return to the US and tell stories, laugh with them, and continue to share His love and His light with them and those around us.


During one of our worship nights, a boy from the Puerto Vallarta orphanage location came over to me, seemingly out of nowhere, and prayed for me in Spanish. He told me he prayed for God to bless me and my family. I am in awe of his open-heartedness toward us all this week and his willingness to demonstrate God’s love so freely. Some of the testimonies here have been such an inspiration for me to continue to love those who are hurting and to walk alongside them. It has refreshed my CASA heart to see how loving adults like Mela and Hilario, and Felipe and Sarah have made such an impact on these kids lives. I am missing all my boys back home right now. Being away without any of them by my side has been hard, and it reminds me how truly blessed I am to have the sweet family that I do. I love you all so very much!


Describe an experience you’ve had so far and how it has increased and/or changed your understanding of God? During lunch right after vbs. One of the crafts had been to decorate a journal. The girl I have been hanging out with came up to me during lunch and asked me to write her a letter in her journal. I wrote it in English but the users wes’s phone to translate it into Spanish. Later on during lunch she was spelling out the words in English so that she could remember what it said. After lunch I saw her reading the letter to a couple other girls and pointing to me saying”mi amiga”. Seeing her joy about something so small lasting so long reminded me of how powerful God works in our live.

What’s a funny story from the trip so far that you’ll remember for a long time? After we finished up most of our painting on the first day of work project it started to rain. Me and a bunch of other people went out and showered in the rain.

Who do you miss from home and why do you value this relationship? I miss my parents cuz it is weird not to see them everyday and people able to tall them stuff.


Who do you miss from home and why do you value this relationship?

I miss my mother because we are tightly bonded through hard times in a way that might seem bad but there is no buddy else that I would want by my side when you need a laugh your way in to a wheelchair.

What word of encouragement or challenge do you have for the people you love back home?

God will give you the energy the second day I did not sleep well but as soon as I saw a girl wave me over to sit with her I felt a new sense of strength and endurance if you are felling tired of some one go to GOD he can help.

Who has had a significant influence on you during your time and how have they changed the way you want to live life?

A girl named Blonka she has the best attitude despite her circumstances


Hello family, I love you Lukas, Ellie and Bethany very much. I have been so excited to share they special place with our friends in Colorado. It make me very happy to see them all falling in love with it like we all do. I have had many special conversations with Mela and tonight I had the chance to give a eulogy for Hilario to his family in the same way I would have at his funeral if it had not been shut down in 2022. It was a very special moment for me and Mela. I have loved being with Joshua and Sarah, Caleb and Micah on the trip. We have had many fun bonding moments and I am very proud to watch them mark their home away form home here. Ellie, Mela has a daughter that was adopted just like you! Her name is Esperanza and you to are both very spunky. Lukas we are currently trying to set up a Basketball hoop in the courtyard so that when you come you can love up enthuse kids playing one-v-one! Bethany, thank you for being such big part of this trip with all of your prayers, your support at home and your passion for this place. Mela asks about you every day. “Bet-any” okay? Love you all! .


Everyone at the orphanage, American and Mexican have had an influence on me. From the orphanage point, every single kid has joy inside their hearts. All of the girls are so connected and we are also blessed to have the boys orphanage join us today as well. I think overall, Mela has had the biggest impact on me because she has done things that I don’t think my heart could ever endure. She’s a one of a kind human with an amazing gift for all to love. The love that pours out of her and into these kids is unlike no other. All the love that God pours into her, she pours into the kids and it’s absolutely amazing to watch. I have been pulling strength from the fact that I have a safe family and home to go come to. I inspire to be more like these kids and still have joy and smiles even though their backgrounds are not. I try and give all my love to them, hoping to make such a strong impact on their hearts and souls and to know that they are loved by all who meet them, and most importantly Jesus. I miss my mom and her calming and warm heart. I know that I can rely on her and that she will always love me more than her own. I miss my dad for his sense of humor and our little jokes we have throughout the day. I miss my two brothers because they provide me a lot of entertainment and they bring me tons of happiness. I also miss my dog because he’s kinda clueless but he’s cute so it makes it all worth it. Also to my family reading this, know that I am doing amazing and am having a great time. I am unable to play soccer as I cough A LOT, but God is teaching me other things which I am grateful for. I will see you all soon and I love you all mucho!


Mela has had a significant impact on me. She is an incredible woman who just has so much love for literally everyone. Her incredible faith in the Lord is so cool to see and is a really good example of someone who has full faith in the Lord. She hs put her entire trust in Him and was God his given her and the impact she has made is so encouraging to see.

There is this girl who is 15 who my friend Ashley and I have grown close to. She is more quiet but she have definitely gotten to the side of her where she shows her tumor with us. She is so funny and she has the most expressive face ever. We will be talking with her and her face just lights up with emotion. It has been so funny to get to know her.

I think a challenge for those at home is to just be grateful for everything you take for granted and to have more joy in your daily life. All the girls here have less than we have at home yet show so much more joy than most of us. I think our lives would be much different if we had as much joy as them.


I have had a great time on the trip so far. I am very proud of the students and their willingness to lead the VBS groups. The kids are very sweet and I have had a great time with Mela. I hope to come back here with more teams in the future. It is amazing to see how much the kids love Mela and Hilario. It is clear to see that they are doing the Lord’s work and loving these kids so beautifully. I am grateful that they include us in there mission. Several of the orphans have shared their testimonies. They have very hard stories but God has been redeeming their lives. This orphanage is what gives the kids a chance to fight against the cycles of poverty, abuse, and addiction. Doing all of the tie-dye shirts has been a large task of mine but the kids seem very excited to wear something that they have made. I pray that everyone has energy to continue working their hardest for the Lord and that souls can be saved through both word and deed.


Describe an experience you’ve had so far and how it has increased and/or changed your understanding of God.

The rain that happens here. The storms move so fast that it would be sunny one second then fully pouring rain. It comes in so fast and hard. I have been standing outside each time it as started rain and it would just get soaked as you just walk building to building. The field flooded so quickly. This showed the true power of God and how things can change so quickly.

Who has had a significant influence on you during your time and how have they changed the way you want to live life?

Most of the kids influenced my life by the way they how they can have just joy and happiness in there live even when they had got though some of the hardships that they have. I want to learn the joy and feel the life that comes from the kids.

What’s a funny story from the trip so far that you’ll remember for a long time?

The people showering in the rain because the down pour and it being better than the showers. Or singing in the showers because there are right next to each other.


I miss my wife Kim and my son Alexander. Kim and I have been married long enough that when we are not together a part of me is missing.

One of the work projects was to replace some toilets. Zack, Dawson and I replaced 4 toilets at the same time. There was some water in the middle of them and we started moping it up. Then we kept moping and we were like were is this water coming from. We couldn’t find the leak but the water kept coming. We finally figured out that one of the toilets didn’t have the gasket put on the studs so the water was leaking out there.

Seeing the faith of Mella and her service to God is inspirational. What they are doing here with Gods help is like nothing I have seen first hand before. It was also really great to see some of the kids talk about operation Christmas child and how much it means to them. Therefore go and make disciples of all of the earth.


Describe an experience you’ve had so far and how it has increased and/or changed your understanding of God.

First, I got to partake in an impromptu moment with a boy named Oscar who had just turned 18 and it was his last day at the foundation. With Mike’s leadership we (Mike [American], Felipe [director of Emmanuel Foundation for boys], Mario [Emmanuel Foundation Employee], Mike [translator], and myself) got to commission him, pray with him, encourage him, and remind him what it means to be a man after God’s own heart. Though I had no right to be in that space because it was my first time meeting him - God gave me a glimpse of his mighty transformative work that is done in these kids’ lives. It increased my faith to know that every day is purposeful and that the body of Christ is truly one regardless of if we’ve met, speak the same language, or even know each other. To be a man of God is to be a man of God - and those characteristics are true wherever we go because God is the same always and forever.

Second, I simply just loved the drama/skit/mural. What an amazing chance to share about what it means to be in the Father’s House. You’ll get to see and hear more about this I assume after we perform it again in the prison. �

Who has had a significant influence on you during your time and how have they changed the way you want to live life?

Honestly, I’d collectively say everyone at the foundation. Starting with Mela to each of the children there is an obvious joy that comes from knowing Jesus and living in the truth that he is all we need. He is worthy and deserves all the glory no matter the circumstance of your life.

What word of encouragement or challenge do you have for the people you love back home?

In foster care there is so much brokenness - for both the children and the parents of families who are in the system. As I stay at this orphanage it is no different for these children and their families. In fact, many of the stories of the young boys & girls at the Emmanuel Foundation contain experiences most humans won’t experience by the time they are the age of 80. They’ve lived too much life and been a part of unspeakable acts that no human should ever have to experience.

YET, God is a God of transformation. Transformation that can take place at a moment’s notice. And transformation that is slowly chipped away at day by day with the consistency and love of Christ being poured into them.

So, to my wife and support crew in foster care - IT IS WORTH IT. God can and will use us to extend the love and grace of his Son Jesus Christ, and it does make an impact. We might not see it on this side of eternity, but we can trust in the faithfulness of the one who holds eternity in his hands.


Who has had a significant influence on you during your time and how have they changed the way you want to live life? Mela because she has never doubted the plan God has for her and she always turns to God before anything else.

What’s a funny story from the trip so far that you’ll remember for a long time? During the night the computer fell on Josh’s head and he was like ahahahaha!

What word of encouragement or challenge do you have for the people you love back home? Never doubt God’s power because he is able to perform miracles in any way.


Headed to the prison…


Day Five, July 30th