Day Four, July 29th

Originally published on Facebook July 30th, 1:52 am

Day Four, July 29th

The day started with breakfast (I had frosted flakes with sliced banana — feel free to comment below what you had!), and before long, Sarah had our entire team launched into a four-station VBS adventure. Ali and Lydia (sorry for misspelling her name previously; I now see the error of my ways!) led the story time - clearly and directly presenting the Gospel with such compassion. Dawson and Zach lead some refreshing water games in the heat. Sadie and Ashley helped the foundation kids make journals while Sarah and Kaitlyn dyed their hands every color under the sun (aka making tie-dye shirts). Every other team member worked diligently to escort the four groups throughout their rotation. It was a thing of beauty.

While this symphony of VBS moving parts was happening, Travis and Joshua were off to Home Depot to get supplies for our afternoon work projects—nothing like safely adventuring outside these walls to create memories. Travis and Joshua now have theirs!

The lunch bell rings at 1 p.m. (no, there is not actually a bell). Lunch was good food, but I'll skip that and tell you dinner was amazing! More on that later.

The whole afternoon was spent working on freshen-up projects around the premises. Asher, Bowdrie, Caleb (both), and Zach cut down trees in an overgrown courtyard and very safely used machetes to clean up the branches. Basically, they were pirates on a desert island expedition (They will deny this because they are too cool for imaginary games, but that's what happened). Jacob led Travis and I (Mike) in some plumbing work while Wes, Jordan, Alice, Lydia, Taylor, Rylin, Micah, Ellie, Laura, and Christine painted a massive 25ft wall purple! (You will find color samples on all their clothing upon return!) Lydia said it was one of her highlights of the day, so if you're looking for a painter…

Who am I missing… that's right Andi! Andi was in the kitchen preparing some special meals for some of the team members. She, Laura and Christine have been so wonderful in working with Monica and Armando (the kitchen staff here) to make sure everyone's nourished well!

Now, I teased you a little earlier about dinner. Ladies and Gentlemen, authentic, freshly made Chicken Taquitos with all the right fix'ns! EVERYONE loved them; most went back for more, and some went back for too much! The meal concluded with well-earned chants of MONICA, MONICA, MONICA!

After dinner, we had another worship service where the girls from the foundation, the guys from the Puerto Vallarta fundation (who are staying with us here in Guadalajara for the week), and our team worshipped in English and Spanish. Micah shared his story of perseverance over his 15 year battle with health and the joy of healing (it was amazing, and yes, I'm his Dad!) while Ali crushed it with her account of both God's faithfulness and her calling in life for missions. Foundation kids prayed over both. It is always powerful to experience someone petitioning God on your behalf when they come from such desperate circumstances themselves. Hearing the Spanish prayers form the kids is very special.

We wrapped up with a solid team time, during which Laura led us through a healthy time of sharing our struggles and our delights. It was an important time for us as we worked towards further transparency with each other.

Okay, let's get a little reflective personally to wrap up…

Do you remember what you were doing in 2015? How old were you then? How old were your kids? Think of all that's taken place these past nine years for you.

In that same time frame — the past nine years -- a boy named Oscar has been under the loving care of Mela Moralez. Oscar and his five brothers were brought to her from an abusive home when he was nine years old. Since then, Mela has met Oscar's needs, consoled him when he didn't know the "whys" of his life, persevered through his fits of rage, and celebrated every birthday with joy — all nine birthdays.

In the early years, Oscar resisted Mela's love and this Jesus person she would tell him about. In Oscar's words, "My mind and my heart were not able to receive him." And so, for nine years, Mela and others like Felipe (who cares for the boys) steadily discipled him toward true healing—towards the joy and rest found only in Jesús Cristo.

Today, having embraced Christ as his Lord and Savior two years ago, Oscar testifies to his hope within. Oscar's dream is to finish his final year of high school and to be able to protect and provide for his siblings. The discipleship Mela gave to Oscar took nine years of faithfulness—nine birthdays.

I've chosen to tell you about Oscar's story because Mela had to say goodbye to Oscar today. Oscar is now 18, and the state's regulations require him to move out. While it is painful for Mela, Felipe, and all of Oscar's foundation brothers to say goodbye, Oscar is ready. And so the tears Mela shed, the tears many shed today, are not ones of tragedy but ones built on nine years of faithfulness to this boy who has become a man.

Our team plays a minor role in Mela's biggest dream: to see the children entrusted to her embrace Jesus' love and find their independence. In Oscar's case, that dream took nine years. Her patience and perseverance testify to me the sort of endurance it takes to accomplish such beautiful dreams. It makes me want to pursue the long road. It makes me want to abandon my fickle starts and stops and fix my eyes on the further horizons of life. What could my next nine years tell of if I leaned into God all the way?

What could your next nine years tell?

Prayer requests:

Tomorrow's schedule looks much like today's. Pray we stay fresh and motivated as we enter into the middle stretch of our time

Pray we MAINTAIN our health and stamina.

Pray we find creative ways to overcome the constant language bearers while embracing our role as support to Mela and the staff's long-term commitment to proclaiming Jesus to these kids (in fluent Spanish!).



Day Five, July 30th


Day Three, July 28th