Mexico Missions Day One: July 26th

Originally published on Facebook July 26th, 11:04 pm

Our day started at 2:30 am with all the morning people (who shall remain nameless) singing and shouting while the not-so-morning folks (who shall also remain nameless) tried to tolerate them. Before long, we were packed up, clearing customs, and in the air. Our first flight took us to Salt Lake, and had a 3-hour layover before making our way to Mexico. Upon arrival, the skies of Guadalajara opened up and gave us our first look at the monsoon-like conditions that can take place here. With baggage services operating under open skies, many of our bags were pretty wet. Still, positive attitudes prevailed, and we cleared final customs with almost no problems.

Here is where the real fun began. Greeting us were Mela, the foundation's founder and operator, and Mario, who nine years ago was a teenage boy in Mela's care at the foundation. Today, Mario is married, has two children, and happily works at the foundation. There were smiles as the team got their first glimpse of the sparkle in Mella's eye.

The drive from the airport to Fundaćion Emmanuel is just 20 minutes, but it is a real introduction to life in Mexico. Micah and Kaitlyn talked later about the street's evident poverty coexisting with the apparent sense of community. Right away, the value of international travel made its mark on our team. Seeing the world as more diverse than your lived experience is critical for cultivating empathy and gratitude. There is nothing quite like seeing wild stray dogs running through knee-deep puddles from the safety of the team van to give you a wake-up call. A few "wide-eyes" in the van were reported.

Before long, and without incident, we arrived at our home for the next ten days. Within seconds, we laughed and made friends. The Girls here are so ready to share their joy — it is infectious. We had to pull our students away to get them settled, only to have them return to the games and fun shortly after. Jordan talked about the instant connection she felt with girls and how excited she was to get started again tomorrow. Andi talked about the spirit of generosity that seems to ooze from this place. Ashley spoke about how excited she was to "just be" with the girls, to just "enjoy their joy." Sarah learned that some of the girls had been here for as many as 8 years and some as brief as 2 months. We all agreed with Caleb S. who said he really wanted to show the girls how safe our team was and to build trust with them.

Our time with the girls concluded with dinner (delicious chickened and carrots, spaghetti, and apple Soda) and a worship time to follow. Kaitlyn voiced what so many of us felt — their passion to worship is so powerful. Joshua, Asher, And Kaitlyn each shared their testimonies. While these stories are there to tell, Joshua encouraged us to find our identities in Christ; Asher spoke of God's faithfulness and Kaitlyn of His Healing power. Sharing your testimony can be intimidating in front of sixty people; doing it on the first night is especially difficult. Each of them did an excellent job!

A young man (17) happened to be visiting doing the evening service. After hearing Kaitlyn's testimony, he was motivated to share his own. He spoke of a desire to follow the Lord and serve him wholeheartedly. We gathered around to pray for him as a team. Different from the many stories of young people walking away from the faith, tonight was filled with stories of young people running headfirst into it! Ali summed up the team's heart well when she said, "I want to trust Him with a child-like faith!"

Of course, Wes said we had to celebrate such a great first night. And what better way to do this than a dance party! A bond has already started between our team and these girls. From Caleb D. dancing with a smile to Rylin, Ellie, and Lydia laughing delightfully, it will surely be a good ten days. Laura, Taylor, and Travis are steadily taking it all in with big smiles on their faces -- A few yelps of laughter from Taylor (not Travis yet!)!

Ashley led us in worship at our wrap-up time tonight — singing Champion and King of Kings. Wow this team loves to sing. It was beautiful to hear their voices fill the room. We shared our overwhelmingly positive impressions of the first and then started planning for the next. These plans included Caleb D., Caleb S., Zach, Bowdire, and Asher, who are all volunteering to learn a ballroom dance for tomorrow's Quinceanera! Those practices should make for some great videos!

At the end of it all Jacob came up to me and asked with all genuineness, "how are you doing?" (How gracious is that!).

So, how am I doing?

Imagine you have a treasure of the richest sort. It's been precious to you for many years. Then, you meet a new group of friends whom you've come to love dearly, and you get to share this treasure with them. As you watch them open the gift, you see it happen instantly. You see them fall in love.

This is what happened today.

The adage is true, "Joy is made complete in its sharing."

I hope you get to share your joy the way I have had a chance to today.

Prayer Requests:

We have some sickness (parents who need to know, do know) under control and would love your prayers for a speedy recovery.

Pray for bonds with these girls that start with laughter and end with Jesus.

Pray we're able to share a sense of renewed joy with these girls.

Blessings to you all,

Mike (on behalf of the team).


Day Two: July 27th


We have landed In Guadalajara!