Women's and Children's Events available at Family in Christ this fall!

  • Gospel Centered Parenting class

    Raising the next generation is one of our greatest responsibilities, and it’s hard work! With more questions than answers, parenting can be isolating and paralyzing. Still, there is great hope for parents, grandparents, and more who have a Gospel-centered foundation. 

  • Women's Fall Bible Study: Revelation

    Revelation shouldn't leave us fearful or confused, but its imagery and concepts often confound our modern ears. If all Scripture is God-breathed and profitable, though, we should assume Revelation is as accessible and helpful as any other book of the Bible.

  • GEMS, Cadets, and Kingdom Kids

    Wednesday events for kids during the Women's Fall Bible study on Revelation and the Gospel Centered Parenting class!

  • Women's Fall Retreat

    The Women’s Ministry at Family in Christ is excited to host a 2-night sleep-away retreat at the beautiful mountain setting of the Highlands Retreat Center in Allenspark, CO. Please consider joining us for a time of reflection, prayer, teaching, worship, fellowship, and fun! 

  • Women's Mentoring Meetings

    Mentoring: We Need Each Other! 

    Women's Ministry facilitates this monthly opportunity to grow with each other in mentorship!

  • Joyful Noise Kids Choir

    Joyful Noise Kids Choir starts Sept 15th!